Туры по России

Christ the Savior Cathedral

Christ the Savior Cathedral Duration:

  • 2 — 2.5 hours

Christ the Savior Cathedral is one of the most famous Russian Orthodox churches. However, it is known not only for its enormous
size and talented architecture, but also for many events that are related to its age.

  • War of 1812
  • Secret Societies
  • Decembrists movement and more

Christ the Savior Cathedral is a unique symbol of the Russian thought turning away from worshiping Western ideals, the symbol
of an end to Freemasonry fashion, the French language, the Catholic religion and the symbol of turning to the Russian tradition.

You will learn:

  • the cathedral construction history
  • a variety of architectural projects
  • several mysterious stories connected with the church, and a lot more

A separate page of our tour is the infamous destruction of the cathedral in 1931 and the attempt to build the Palace of Soviets in
its place, which many called «the temple of communism».

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The cost of excursion from (depends on number of people)

of 10000 R

Any excursion and any itinerary can be tailored for your requirements and can include the places interesting for you.

Our managers will advise you on all excursions in the city and beyond. You can contact us:
phone +7 (495) 212-10-29, email info@russiaprive.com

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