Туры по России

Moscow Hippodrome

Moscow Hippodrome: aristocratic pre-revolutionary era Duration:

  • 2,5 – 3 hours

Today, as 180 years ago, the Central Moscow Hippodrome is a cult place for the residents of the capital. This is not just a monument of architecture – it is an active well-functioning object, which houses old traditions and creates new ones.
Moscow Hippodrome has a special atmosphere that combines aristocratic pre-revolutionary era and the monumentality of Stalin's empire. Preserved from the end of the XIX century Alexander Klodt sculptures coexist with Soviet symbols, and so archaic in their beauty live horses set off a modern elegant and cheerful audience.
Excursion to the Moscow Hippodrome is a unique opportunity to see the horses work during a weekday, visit the Central Moscow Hippodrome Museum and listen to the fascinating story of the world's first trotting racetrack, the dramatic history of Orlov and American trotters struggle, about trotting racing and horseracing, riders and jockeys.

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of 9000 R

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