Туры по России

Catherine Palace

The Catherine Palace is located in the city of Pushkin — a small suburb of St. Petersburg, which is also known as Tsarskoye Selo.

The palace was built in the XVIII century for Empress Elizabeth, daughter of Peter I. Elizabeth loved luxury and entertainment, and the palace met her tastes. It was built in the Elizabethan Baroque style — richly decorated with stucco, carving and gilding and is considered the largest and richest summer palace in Europe.

During the tour of the palace you will pass the magnificent golden suite of rooms where balls and gala receptions took place. You will find an interesting collection of furniture and objects of applied art. And, of course, visit the most famous and unusual hall of the palace — the Amber Room. Only in Russia, in the Catherine Palace, and nowhere else in the world, you can see the room with walls completely covered with natural amber.

After visiting the palace, we offer a short walk along the famous Catherine Park.

The tour takes about 4 hours, including time on the road (the palace is located 24 kilometers from St. Petersburg). If you have the opportunity to spend the whole day outside the city, we recommend combining the tour of the Catherine Palace with a trip to Pavlovsk. Pavlovsk is a former residence of Paul I, son of Catherine the Great. The road from the Catherine Palace to Pavlovsk lasts 10 minutes. In this case, the total duration of the tour is about 6 hours.

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of 19800 R

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