Туры по России

First Date with Moscow

First Date with Moscow (Moscow sightseeing tour) Duration:

  • 3.5-4 hours

Is it possible to explore the city in some 4 hours, especially as big as Moscow? At first it seems difficult, but in fact, this task is quite easy. During our excursion we will be able not only to talk about the history of the city and its modern life, to see the most important places of the capital through the windows of the bus, but also to admire the most famous panoramas of Moscow, which became its trademark.

During the tour we will learn:

  • what distinguishes Moscow from other capitals of the world;
  • when the first railway station in Moscow appeared and who was the mastermind of its creation;
  • how the names of ancient streets of Moscow appeared: Myasnitskaya, Varvarka, Lenivka, Prechistenka, Zubovskaya, Arbat;
  • what is «the island of Moscow»
  • where one of the shortest streets in Moscow is;
  • from where it is possible to see all the Kremlin stars;
  • what monument is considered one of the highest in Europe;
  • where the preserved wooden manors from the 19th century are;
  • what Novodevichy Convent is famous for;
  • where the longest metro station is;
  • where all the «Seven Sisters» can be seen from… and still more.

We will visit: the Red Square, go across the Patriarchal bridge, stand on Vorobievi Gori; We will see «Moscow City» complex, Novy Arbat, drive along the boulevards and the central streets of Moscow. You have a unique opportunity to discover the city, or look at it in a new way, and choose what you like most.

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The cost of excursion from (depends on number of people)

of 15000 R

Any excursion and any itinerary can be tailored for your requirements and can include the places interesting for you.

Our managers will advise you on all excursions in the city and beyond. You can contact us:
phone +7 (495) 212-10-29, email info@russiaprive.com

Booking tour

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