Туры по России

Peter and Paul Fortress

Peter and Paul Fortress was built by the order of Peter I to protect the delta of the Neva from the Swedes. It is located in the heart of St. Petersburg on Hare Island. It was here in the late spring of 1703 when Peter I signed the decree to start building the city.

The territory of the fortress houses the Peter and Paul Cathedral — the tomb of the Russian emperors. Here almost all Russian emperors and empresses from Peter I and ending with Nicholas II are buried, as well as many members of the imperial family.

We advise you to visit the castle and the cathedral, accompanied by one of our guides, who will not only show the burial, but also tell about the Romanov dynasty in general and the most prominent representatives of this dynasty on the Russian throne. You will hear exciting, almost detective stories of palace coups and political assassinations, as well as the tragic story of the overthrow of Nicholas II and the murder of his family.

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The cost of excursion from (depends on number of people)

of 18000 R

Any excursion and any itinerary can be tailored for your requirements and can include the places interesting for you.

Our managers will advise you on all excursions in the city and beyond. You can contact us:
phone +7 (495) 212-10-29, email info@russiaprive.com

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