Туры по России

Secrets of the Kremlin

Secrets of the Kremlin

The Moscow Kremlin has long been perceived as a handsome toy gingerbread building.
But in ancient times, the Kremlin used to be an impregnable citadel.
Walls and towers are just the tip of the iceberg, as the main objects, capable to repulse the enemy were arranged in artful
subterranean recesses.



2 hours


The contenct of the tour

  • Why the Kremlin of Moscow is considered the cradle of dungeons
  • Where the secret dungeons of the Kremlin have been found
  • Principality of Muscovy protection — ditches, ramparts and defensive walls
  • Who were the mysterious Kremlin architects and why they disappeared without a trace far away from their homeland

These and many other things you will learn if you take a walk around the Moscow Kremlin.
The guide is a Moscow expert, digger with 15-year experience of studying the underground Moscow, ready to retell 20 amazing
stories told by the Kremlin towers.

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The cost of excursion from (depends on number of people)

10000 R

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phone +7 (495) 212-10-29, email info@russiaprive.com

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