Туры по России

Magical Moscow Lights

The boat trip with «Magical Moscow Lights» tour Duration:

  • 2 hours
  • Richly illuminated Kremlin and Christ the Savior Cathedral, a monument to Peter the Great, Zamoskvorechye district, Stalinist skyscraper palaces, Vorobyovy Gory — all the most beautiful, the most advantageous, the most famous! Most punchy views of a silent Moscow in the glow of millions of night lights and the quiet charm of a calm summer evening by the water…
  • Specially designed water route starts from the Tretyakov pier by Luzhkov bridge and covers all the main attractions of the historic center of the golden-domed capital. Views and majestic panorama of the city floating by, falling asleep in the glow of lights and the fascinating story of the guide will turn this evening into an amazing, emotional celebration that a visitor to the capital won't forget, and a native Muscovite will be pleased with new acquaintances.
  • Our night tour by boat is an ideal romantic date, a cozy evening with your family or unusual meeting of old friends …
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The cost of excursion from (depends on number of people)

of 18000 R

Any excursion and any itinerary can be tailored for your requirements and can include the places interesting for you.

Our managers will advise you on all excursions in the city and beyond. You can contact us:
phone +7 (495) 212-10-29, email info@russiaprive.com

Booking tour

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