
Peterhof or Petrodvorets is a magnificent palace and park complex, located on the shore of the Gulf of Finland and well-known around the world thanks to its unique system of fountains.

Summer is the best time for a trip to Peterhof — when the fountains are working all day and their powerful water jets sparkle in the sun. You will surely be impressed by the grandiose cascades that combine several dozens of fountains in a single complex. You can also admire the solitary fountains, decorated with fine marble and gilded sculpture. And, of course, one cannot help mentioning trick-fountains. Children will never miss an opportunity to frolic in their jets, and adults, looking at them, cannot help but smile.

As a rule, we allot 4 hours on an excursion to Peterhof given that the road to Peterhof takes about 2 hours. However, you can devote a full day to this trip. If you have such an opportunity, we can further recommend:

— The Catherine Block is a small but exquisite palace built for Elizabeth, daughter of Peter I, and then redesigned for Alexander I in the Empire style.

— The Bath Block is a small building located near Monplaisir. There is a Russian bath that was created for the emperors and empresses, and a large ballroom. You will also see the charming Chinese garden and the kitchen of the time.

— The Hermitage palace is a small entertainment pavilion on the shore of the bay, where the restored table with a unique lifting mechanism is. The pavilion was used for entertainment meals of the Russian court and foreign guests.

— The Marly palace is another small palace of Peter's time, intended to accommodate the nobles.

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of 20500 R

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