Туры по России

The Hermitage

The Hermitage is one of the largest and richest museums in the world. Its collection includes more than 3 million exhibits. The main exhibition occupies five buildings located in the city center — on the Palace Square. The most famous, most beautiful and largest of these buildings is the Winter Palace, the former residence of Russian emperors.

The Hermitage is one of those museums that are simply not to be missed. Its collection is so varied that everyone will find something interesting for themselves. You can just walk along the magnificent great halls, which witnessed the famous historical events. You can see the very room where the members of the Provisional Government were arrested in October 1917. Art lovers will certainly appreciate the masterpieces of the great masters of the past — Rembrandt, Rubens, El Greco, Leonardo da Vinci, Titian and many others. The Hermitage collection of paintings by French impressionists, in general, is considered the best in the world. The huge halls of the first floor are decorated with antique sculpture. If you prefer arts and crafts, you will have the opportunity to see magnificent furniture, porcelain, majolica, tapestries and weapons. Perhaps there is no person that can be left untouched by the Hermitage — it impresses everyone!

You can spend a week at the Hermitage, and see not more than 10% of the exhibits. In the Winter Palace alone, there are more than 1000 rooms and 117 staircases! In order not to get lost in this huge museum and to see as much as possible and learn, we recommend booking a tour, which usually takes about 3 hours.

If you have any special preferences and wishes, we will be always happy to take them into account while preparing the tour route. At your request we can include the visit to the Golden Pantry in the tour — the treasury of Russian emperors. Here are the unique gold items from the Scythian burial mounds, as well as masterpieces of the jeweler’s art work of Russian, European and Eastern masters. If you are interested in visiting the Golden Pantry, please inform us in advance.

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The cost of excursion from (depends on number of people)

от 7500 руб.

Any excursion and any itinerary can be tailored for your requirements and can include the places interesting for you.

Our managers will advise you on all excursions in the city and beyond. You can contact us:
phone +7 (495) 212-10-29, email info@russiaprive.com

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